"he was young, handsome, a millionaire, and he'd just pulled off the perfect crime!"

lunedì 24 agosto 2009

tenere presente

no, non sono tornato.

però rispolverando la riedizione (1999) di requiem for an almost lady (Originally released in 1971) di lee hazlewood a cura della smells like records di proprietà dei sonic youth mi sono imbattuto nelle illuminanti note del cowboy di svezia.

In retrospect... These songs were not written about or for one lady or two or even three... They are a composite of all my memories of ladies, since I became aware of memories and ladies... After breathig in and out for seven decades, (as i have), you start to believe you're wiser... You ain't You're just more cautious... But caution is an enemy that eats tears, and hurts, and disappointments, and laughter, and fun, and passion... All the good things that make memories... So i've tried to kill caution or at least keep it in my minds prison with no chance of parole... Here's to the ladies... Here's to the memories... And here's to the songs... Enjoy...